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15.LED Flashing

Project Introduction

UNIHIKER is equipped with a microcontroller responsible for controlling onboard components and GPIO. Based on this functionality, we can control the onboard LED of UNIHIKER to flash. This project uses the Pin(Pin.P25, Pin.OUT).write_digital(signal) method of in the PinPong library of Python to control a blue LED (marked as L) located on the back of the board. Below is an example of controlling the LED to flash.


Hardware Required


In this example, begin by initializing UNIHIKER with Board().begin(). Next, configure the pin assigned to the L LED as a digital output using Pin(Pin.P25, Pin.OUT). Within the main loop, utilize the value(1) or write_digital(1) method of the L LED object to set the output to high, maintaining it for 1 second. Subsequently, use the value(0) or write_digital(0) method to set the output to low for another 1 second. This sequence enables the microcontroller on UNIHIKER to control the onboard LED, causing it to flash intermittently.

#  -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

# MindPlus
# Python
from pinpong.board import Board,Pin
import time

# initialization

# The pin is initialized to level output mode, and P25 is the pin of the L light
led = Pin(Pin.P25, Pin.OUT)

while True:
    # output high level voltage
    # led.value(1)      # Method 1
    led.write_digital(1)    # Method 2

    # output low level voltage
    # led.value(0)      # Method 1
    led.write_digital(0)    # Method 2

Demo Effect
