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Blocks Reference

Image display

Block image.png
Description Used to set the screen display direction, there are 4 display directions, the number indicates the number of degrees the screen rotates counterclockwise, each display direction corresponds to a different coordinate range.

Setting the screen orientation can only be set during initialization, and will not take effect in other locations.

Block image.png
Description Show/Disable Camera. Use this command to display or not display the camera screen on the K10 screen.
Block image.png
Description Sets the background color of the screen. If not set, the background color of the screen defaults to white.
Block image.png
Description Display the cached contents on the screen.

When using display-related commands (e.g., text, shapes, pictures), this "show cached contect" block has to be added to display the content.

But the clear screen command clears the screen immediately, this "show cached content" may not be used.

Block image.png
Description Immediately clears pictures, text, lines, and graphics displayed on the screen.

The camera screen cannot be cleared by this block. To turn off the camera screen, use the β€œTurn off camera screen” block.

The camera display cannot be cleared by this block. To turn off the camera display, use the "Disable camera show" block.
Block image.png
Description Display the local picture at the specified location (coordinates), you can set the display size of the picture on the k10 display by adjusting the width and height of the image size.

The image size must be within 240x320 pixels, too large an image will be a serious waste of memory.

If too many pictures are loaded, the storage limit of K10 will be exceeded and an error will be reported as β€œnot enough memory” when burning.K10 has a total of 16MB of code storage space, depending on the complexity of the code, it will affect the size of the space available for caching photos.

Locally loaded images do not support transparent background images, to display transparent background images please load via TF card.

Block image.png
Description Display pictures in TF memory card at specified location (coordinates), support to display png, jpg and bmp format pictures.

This block can display pictures with transparent backgrounds.

bmp only supports images with 16-bit color bit depth, this format is mainly used to display images taken by K10, png or jpg format is recommended.

Do not modify the image format by directly modifying the suffix, otherwise it may cause display abnormality.
Block image.png
Description Save the current frame captured by the camera and store it in the TF card.

Start taking pictures instantly board the upper right corner of the indicator light will light up, the start of photography is recommended to keep the screen stationary 0.5S, this 0.5S will feel obvious screen picture lag, at this time the system is caching the pictures captured, 0.5S after the cache can be free to move the lens, at this time the system will gradually write the cached pictures to the TF card. Until the indicator light in the upper right corner goes out, indicating that the picture has been successfully saved to the TF card, you can start the next picture shooting.

When you take a picture with K10, only bmp format is supported. When displaying photos taken with K10, only bmp format is supported.

Text display

Block image.png
Discription Display text of the specified color starting from the leftmost side of the first line on the K10 screen.

The K10 supports a total of 13 lines of text display when in portrait orientation.

This command can quickly complete the text display, if you need to adjust the position, please use the text display command that can set the coordinates.

This command forces an autoclear operation, see another block below for what autoclear does.
Block image.png
Discription Clears the display of text on the certain line.
Block image.png
Discription Display the text at the specified position (coordinates), the font size refers to the pixels occupied by the character font, there are two choices 24x24 and 16x16.

Fill in up to 512 English letters or 256 Chinese characters at a time.

Line Character Count indicates that line feeds are automatically performed based on the set number of characters in the text. When calculating the number of line breaks, Chinese, English letters and punctuation will be counted as one word. The maximum number of supported line breaks is 49, and the default is no line breaks when it is set to 50.

Whether or not to auto-clear indicates whether or not the previous text should be cleared first to re-display the new text. When auto-clear is enabled, it will automatically clear all the content after the coordinates to the background color, including the already displayed text, lines, and images. Please refer to the example below for more details on how to use this feature.

Lines and shapes display

Block image.png
Discription Displays dots of the specified color at the specified position (coordinates) on the screen, and the size of the dots cannot be modified.
Block image.png
Discription Sets the width of the lines and borders in pixels.

If this block is not called, the default line width/border width is 1
Block image.png
Discription Draws a line segment of the specified color according to the start point coordinates (X1, Y1) and end point coordinates (X2, Y2).
Block image.png
Discription Draws a circle with the specified radius based on the center coordinates (X, Y). Also, you can set whether the circle is solid (filled/unfilled), border and fill color.
Block image.png
Discription Draws a rectangle starting at the upper-left corner of the rectangle at the specified position (coordinates). You can set the width and height of the rectangle, the border color, and the fill color.

QR Code Display

Block image.png
Discription Convert text and URLs into QR codes to be displayed on the K10 screen.
Block image.png
Discription Clear the QR code display on the screen.

The "Clear Screen" block does not work on QR code, to clear the QR code display, you need to call the "clear QR code" block.

On board sensor

Block image.png
Discription An interrupt is triggered when the on-board key A/B is pressed/released.

Infinite loops and long delays should not be used in interrupts, and the code in the interrupt should be as short as possible to ensure system stability.
Discription detect the status of onboard button A/B (pressed/released).

When the camera/AI function is enabled, it is recommended to use the key interrupt to determine the key press.
Block image.png
Discription Detects the current attitude of the main control panel as tilted forward/tilted backward/tilted left/tilted right/screen up/screen down, a total of 6 types of attitude detection.
Block image.png
Discription Read the temperature (in Celsius or Fahrenheit) or humidity data (relative humidity) of the current environment via the on-board light sensor.
Block image.png
Discription Get the ambient light from the onboard light sensor in Lux.
Block image.png
Discription Get the value of the on-board acceleration sensor (X-direction, Y-direction, Z-direction or intensity) in milligravity (m-g). By placing the board vertically (in the direction of gravity) in the direction of the arrow in the figure below, the value read is positive and similar to the acceleration of gravity (mm/s2).


LED control

There are three RGB LEDs on the underside of the back of the K10, use the serial number to specify which RGB LED to control. The serial numbers and the locations of the RGB LEDs are shown below.

Block image.png
Discription Control the RGB LEDs of the specified LED number to display the specified color.
Block image.png
Discription Turn off the RGB LEDs of the specified LED number
Block image.png
Discription Use the principle of mixing the three primary colors of light (red, green and blue) to set the color of the RGB LED lights.
Block image.png
Discription Set the brightness of the RGB LEDs, you can choose the brightness from 0-9, a total of 10 steps, where 0 is the off state.

After setting the brightness, call the display command again to make the set brightness take effect.
Block image.png
Discription Reads the current brightness of the RGB LED light, the data range is 0-9, 0 means the light was off.


Block image.png
Discription Play built-in music in the background.
Block image.png
Discription Stop playing the built-in playback music. This command can only be used to stop playing the built-in music
Block image.png
Discription Plays note sounds of a specified pitch, and you can set the number of beats to play.
Block image.png
Discription Play the specified audio file from the TF memory card in the background, currently only supports two-channel stereo audio in wav format, otherwise there will be noise or playback acceleration issues.
Block image.png
Discription Stop playing TF card audio.
Block image.png
Discription Record audio for a specified long period of time, name it and save it on a TF memory card, save the audio format as wav.

During recording, the indicator light in the upper right corner will light up.

AI-Face recognition

Block image.png
Discription The block is used to switch between machine vision algorithm modes and to superimpose the recognition frame on the screen. Among them, four algorithm modes can be selected: face detection, cat and dog detection, motion detection and QR code recognition.

Only for face detection and cat face detection, the recognition frame is superimposed. Detection requires the screen to be vertical (Type-C port facing up), horizontal screen will not be detected
Block image.png
Discription In the corresponding algorithmic mode, it is used to determine whether a face/cat/dog/movement/QR code is detected or not.
Block image.png
Discription Get the key point data of the detected face, containing 14 items such as length, width, centre point coordinates, left and right eye coordinates, nose coordinates, left side of mouth coordinates, right side of mouth coordinates and so on.
Block image.png
Discription Learning faces, used to collect and learn recognised faces, after successful learning it will automatically assign an ID number to the face, ID number starts from 1, up to 48 faces can be learned.

No need to relearn after power off K10.
Block image.png
Discription Recognise faces that have been learned.
Block image.png
Discription Determine whether recognition is complete.
Block image.png
Discription Get the recognised face ID, used to read the face ID number after successful recognition.

This instruction, after successful recognition, will only fetch the ID number of the recognised face once, and after fetching it once, the instruction will perform a reset operation (the value changes to -1).
Block image.png
Discription Forgets the assigned face ID that has been learnt.
Block image.png
Discription Forget all learned face IDs.
Block image.png
Discription Get the key point data of the detected cat face containing length, width, centre point x, centre point y.

AI-QR code recognition

Block image.png
Discription Get the result of QR code recognition.

The QR code recognition mode, unlike face and dog and cat detection, does not show a recognition box in the screen when the QR code is recognised.

AI-Motion detection

Block image.png
Discription Sets the motion detection sensitivity, the larger the setting value, the more sensitive the detection of motion, the range is 0-100.

If you do not set the sensitivity when using motion detection, the default is 50.

AI-Speech recognition

Block image.png
Discription Set the working length of continuous/single recognition and recognition language after waking up from speech recognition, and the unit of waking up length is milliseconds (ms).
Block image.png
Discription Add speech recognition command word ID and command word, command word ID setting range is 0-199, command word is filled in with a single time, the words are separated by space, and the command word is preferred to be 2~5 syllables.
Block image.png
Discription Used to judge the current state of the speech recognition mode.

This command is used to execute commands such as animation playback or text display when waking up, don't use it nested with β€˜command word detected’.

Block image.png
Discription Used to determine whether the command word with the specified ID is recognised after waking up the K10.

AI-Speech synthesis

Speech synthesis function can only support Chinese.

Block image.png
Discription Set the speech rate of voice playback, the larger the value, the faster the speech rate. The minimum speed is 0, the maximum speed is 5. If you don't set it, the default is 2.
Block image.png
Discription Speech synthesis of specified text can be achieved using commas for tone spacing.

Serial port

Block image.png
Discription Serial port output content. Line feed/non-line feed can be set, and the form of output content can be string, raw data, hexadecimal number.
Block image.png
Discription Detects whether the serial port has data to read.
Block image.png
Discription Read the data at the serial port.
Block image.png
Discription Reads an integer/decimal/string from the serial port.
Block image.png
Discription Retains a specified number of decimal places and handles decimal numbers sent or received through the serial port to the specified number of digits.
Block image.png
Discription Sets the baud rate for serial port 0 (Hardware Serial).
Block image.png
Discription Set the Rx (receive) and Tx (transmit) pins and baud rate for serial port 1 (Software Serial).