Mindplus Examples
Display-Set Back Ground Color¶
Setting the background color of the K10 screen
Display-Show local picture¶
Display-Electronic photo album¶
Format the TF card to FAT32 and install it on K10. Press button A on the K10 to take a picture and button B to display it.
Display-Showing text¶
Display-Text on image¶
When displaying text over an image, turn auto-clear off and use a constant refresh of the image to overwrite the old content
Display-Draw Point¶
Display-Draw Line¶
Display-Draw Circle¶
Display-Draw Rectangle¶
Display-QR Code¶
On board sensor-Button¶
On board sensor-Accelerate sensors¶
On board sensor-Accelerate ball¶
On board sensor-LED control¶
Audio-Play build-in music¶
Press button A to play the music βBIRTHDAYβ in the background; press button B to play the alphabet song (1155661)
Audio-Record and play¶
Press button A to record 3 seconds of audio and store it to the TF card; press button B to play the recorded audio.
AI-Face detection¶
Turn on the camera, detect the face, and display the detected face length and width, as well as center point x and center point y coordinates, on the K10 screen
AI-Face recognition¶
Press button A to learn the face and green LED on; press button B to recognize the face and blue LED on, and display the recognized face ID on the K10 screen
AI-Dog/Cat recognition¶
Turn on the camera, when the camera detects the detection of the cat, the length and width of the cat's face, as well as the coordinates of the center point x and center point y, are displayed on the K10 screen.
AI-QR Code Scanner¶
AI-Speech recognition¶
Wake up the voice recognition through the wake-up command "Hi,Telly", and then through the command word "Light on", "Light off" to control the on-board RGB ELD lights on K10 to turn on and off.
AI-Speech synthesis¶
The speech synthesis function only supports Chinese.
Serial port-Serial print¶
Serial port-Serial receive¶
GPIO-Digital input¶
Connect a button to P0 and the value of the serial monitor will change when the button is pressed.
GPIO-Analog input¶
Read the analog value on P0, and serial output.
GPIO-Digital output¶
Connect an LED on P0, then out put high level on P0 to set the LED on.