Basics for PinPong Library |
Introduction |
Function Index¶
Function Onboard | Digital IO & Analog IO | Communication |
1.L LED | 1.Digital Output(GPIO) | 1.Serial Port(UART) |
2.Button A and Button B | 2.Digital Input(GPIO) | 2.I2C(Inter Integrated Circuit) |
3.Light Sensor | 3.Analog Input(ADC) | 3.SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface) |
4.Accelerometer and Gyroscope | 4.Analog Output(PWM) | |
5.Buzzer |
Popular Modules |
1.Servo |
2.LED Strip |
3.DHT11 Temperature&Humidity Sensor |
4.Ultrasonic sensor |
5.OLED 2864 Display Screen |
6.Color recognition |