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1.Serial Port(UART)


Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, commonly known as UART, it is a serial, asynchronous, full duplex communication protocol. UNIHIKER supports UART communication protocol for data transmission through edge connector(P0-RX,P3-TX).

Tips: The principle of UART communication can be referred to in this video: click here

Common functions

1.1 UART( )

Syntax Object = UART(bus_num=value)
Description Generate UART object
Parameters bus_num: UART serial port number. The default port number chosen by the user is 0.
Return **None

1.2 init( )

Syntax Object.init(baud_rate=115200,bits=8,parity=0,stop=1)
Description Initialize UART serial port parameters.
Parameters baud_rate: Generally, there are options such as 9600, 115200 for selecting baud rate. The actual meaning is to transmit so many bits per second.
bits: It can be a 5-8 bits logical "0" or "1". Such as ASCI code (7 bits) and extended BCD code (8 bits). Small end transmission.
**parity:**After adding this bit to the data, the number of "1" bits should be even (even check) or odd (odd check) to verify the correctness of data transmission.
stop: It is an end marker for character data. Fixed at high level.
Return **None

1.3 deinit( )

Syntax Object.deinit()
Description Close UART serial port.
Parameters **None
Return **None

1.4 any( )

Syntax Object.any()
Description Get the number of bytes available to read from UART
Parameters **None
Return The number of data bytes that can be read.

1.5 write( )

Syntax Object.write(buf)
Description Write data to the UART.
Parameters buf: Buf is a list of bytes.
Return Write data to the serial port

1.6 read( )

Description Read characters from the UART.
Parameters **n:**The number of bytes read from the data.
Return Returns None or a list of bytes.

1.7 readline( )

Syntax buf = Object.readline()
Description Read the data received from the serial port by line and put it in the buffer. Reads until newline or None if timeout occurs.
Parameters **None
Return The result of the read.

1.8 readinto( )

Syntax Object.readinto(buf, nbytes)
Description Read bytes into buf. If nbytes is specified, read at most that many bytes. Otherwise, read at most len(buf) bytes.
Parameters **buf:**The data read is stored in this variable.
**nbytes:**The length of the bytes to be read.
Return Bytes read into buf.

Example Description

In the following code, we use UART communication protocol for simple data transmission. We use UNIHIKER and a computer as the sending and receiving ends respectively, and perform half duplex data transmission and reception at the same time. The sending and receiving operations on the computer are performed on the serial debugging assistant, while the sending and receiving operations on the line UNIHIKER are performed on Mind+.

Hardware Required


Example Code

Code1: The first code is UNIHIKER as the receiver and the computer as the sender.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from pinpong.board import Board, UART

Board("UNIHIKER").begin()  # Initialize the UNIHIKER board. Select the board type, if not specified, it will be automatically detected.

#hardware UART 1 : P0-RX    P3-TX
uart1 = UART(bus_num=0)   # Initialize UART (Hardware Serial 1)

# Initialize UART: `baud_rate` for baud rate, `bits` for the number of data bits (8/9), `parity` for parity check (0 none/1 odd/2 even), `stop` for stop bits (1/2).

buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07]

# The following are common functions of UART #
# Close hardware UART 1
# uart1.deinit() 

# Get the number of bytes available to read from UART
# uart1.any() 

# Write data to the UART. buf is a list of bytes.
# uart1.write(buf)

# Read characters from the UART. Returns None or a list of bytes.

# Read a line until a newline character is received. Reads until newline or None if timeout occurs.
# buf = uart1.readline()

# Read bytes into buf. If nbytes is specified, read at most that many bytes. Otherwise, read at most len(buf) bytes.
# uart1.readinto(buf, nbytes)

while True:
    while uart1.any() >0:

Program Effect:

**Code2: **The second code is UNIHIKER as the sender and the computer as the receiver.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
from pinpong.board import Board, UART

Board("UNIHIKER").begin()  # Initialize the UNIHIKER board. Select the board type, if not specified, it will be automatically detected.

#hardware UART 1 : P0-RX    P3-TX
uart1 = UART(bus_num=0)   # Initialize UART (Hardware Serial 1)

# Initialize UART: `baud_rate` for baud rate, `bits` for the number of data bits (8/9), `parity` for parity check (0 none/1 odd/2 even), `stop` for stop bits (1/2).

buf = [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07]

# The following are common functions of UART #
# Close hardware UART 1
# uart1.deinit() 

# Get the number of bytes available to read from UART
# uart1.any() 

# Write data to the UART. buf is a list of bytes.
# uart1.write(buf)

# Read characters from the UART. Returns None or a list of bytes.

# Read a line until a newline character is received. Reads until newline or None if timeout occurs.
# buf = uart1.readline()

# Read bytes into buf. If nbytes is specified, read at most that many bytes. Otherwise, read at most len(buf) bytes.
# uart1.readinto(buf, nbytes)

while True:
    uart1.write(buf)  # Write data to UART

Program Effect:
