On the back of the UNIHIKER, there is a blue LED light marked "L" that users can control through programming. The onboard LED labeled as 'L' is connected to the P25 interface of UNIHIKER, meaning that controlling the P25 pin allows for control of the onboard LED.
Pin(Pin.P25, Pin.OUT).write_digital
Pin.P25: Pin number 25. Pin.OUT: Pin output.
Example Description¶
Below is a sample code using the PinPong Library to control an LED and print corresponding messages when the LED is turned on or off.
Hardware Required¶
Example Code¶
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import time
from pinpong.board import Board, Pin
Board().begin() # Initialize the UNIHIKER
led = Pin(Pin.P25, Pin.OUT) # Set Pin P25 as an output pin for the LED
while True:
led.write_digital(1) # Turn on the LED by setting the pin value to high
print("The LED light is on") # Display a message indicating that the LED light is on
time.sleep(1) # Pause the program for 1 second
led.write_digital(0) # Turn off the LED by setting the pin value to low
print("The LED light is off") # Display a message indicating that the LED light is off
time.sleep(1) # Pause the program for 1 second