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1.Recording Audio(record)

1.1 sound_level()

Syntax Audio.sound_level()
Description Getting ambient volume
Parameters **None
Return Sound level

1.2 record()

Syntax Audio.record(file,duration)
Description Recording sound with the microphone on UNIHIKER
Parameters file: The name of the file where the recording was saved.
duration: The length of the recording, in seconds.
Return **None

1.3 start_record()

Syntax Audio.start_record(file)
Description Start sound recording
Parameters file: The name of the file where the recording was saved.
Return Remaining duration in seconds

1.4 stop_record()

Syntax Audio.stop_record()
Description Stop sound recording
Parameters **None
Return **None

Example Description

In this simple example, our main goal is to use the functions in the previous text to measure the volume of sound, record the sound, start and end the recording.

Hardware Required

Example Code

First, instantiate an object of the Audio class within the UNIHIKER class. Then, use this object to call the audio = Audio() function to initialize the pins for recording audio. Once initialized, proceed to collect ambient sound volume 30 times within a loop. Following this, utilize the audio.record() function to capture a three-second audio clip. Finally, manage the recording process using the audio.start_record() and audio.stop_record() functions.

from unihiker import Audio
import time

audio = Audio()  # Instantiating audio

print("Ambient sound size")
for i in range(30):

print("Record for 3 seconds")
audio.record('3s.wav', 3)  # Record for 3 seconds and save to file 3s.wav

print("start recording")
audio.start_record('6s.wav')  # Start recording in the background and save it to file 6s.wav
print("Wait for 6 seconds")
time.sleep(6)  # Wait for 6 seconds
audio.stop_record() # stop recording
print("stop recording")
Program Effect: 1720663424594[00h00m00s-00h00m16s].gif
If running on Mind+,the audio files are stored in the folder shown in the following figure.