Implementing thread activation
GUI.start_thread(Thread function name)
Name of the callback function
** Thread object.
Example Description¶
In this simple example, our main goal is to implement thread startup through UNIHIKER.
Hardware Required¶
Example Code¶
Instantiate an object of the GUI class within the UNIHIKER class. Define two callback functions for display purposes. The first callback function initiates a clock thread using the start_thread() function and maintains its operation through a delay loop. The second callback function visually indicates the thread's activation and deactivation by printing characters.
Note: Thread functions do not loop by default.
import time
from unihiker import GUI # Import Package
gui=GUI() # Instantiating GUI classes
clock = gui.draw_clock(x=120, y=160, r=100, h=3, m=4, s=5, color=(255, 0, 0), onclick=lambda: print("clock clicked"))
def clock_update():
print("Thread 1 starts")
while True: # loop execution
t = time.localtime()
clock.config(h=time.strftime("%H", t), m=time.strftime("%M", t), s=time.strftime("%S", t))
time.sleep(0.5) # Adding a sleep in a thread loop can prevent the program from getting stuck or slowing down
print("Thread 1 stopped")
def print_test():
print("Thread 2 starts")
print("Thread 2")
print("Thread 2 ends")
# Thread 1 starts
clock_thread = gui.start_thread(clock_update)
# Thread 2 starts
while True: