Create an image on UNIHIKER screen.
GUI.draw_image(x, y, w, h, image,origin,onclick)
- x: The x-coordinate where the image is displayed on the UNIHIKER screen.
- y: The y-coordinate where the image is displayed on the UNIHIKER screen.
- w: The width of the image. This parameter scales according to the length and width of the smallest side and can be - omitted. If both width and height parameters are omitted, the original image resolution will be maintained.
- h: The height of the image. This parameter scales according to the length and width of the smallest side and can be - omitted. If both width and height parameters are omitted, the original image resolution will be maintained.
- image: The file name of the image to be displayed on the UNIHIKER screen, which can be a path or an image object.
- onclick: The callback function triggered when the object is clicked.
- origin: The alignment position. Default is the top-left corner.
**image object
Example1 Description 1¶
In this simple example, we will display an image named 'img.png' three times. Each time, the image will be positioned differently and vary in size.
Hardware Required 1¶
Example Code1¶
Instantiate an object of the GUI class within the UNIHIKER class, and call the draw_image() function through this object to display the image and set the parameters.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from unihiker import GUI # Import the packag
gui = GUI() # Instantiate the GUI class
# Load and display an image at (0, 0) with the original size
img_image2 = gui.draw_image(x=0, y=0, image='img.png')
# Load and display an image at (120, 100) with a width of 80 and height of 50
# The image is centered and a lambda function is assigned to the onclick event
img_image = gui.draw_image(x=120, y=100, w=80, h=50, image='img.png', origin='center', onclick=lambda: print("image clicked"))
from PIL import Image
# Load and display an image using the PIL library at (10, 180)
img_image3 = gui.draw_image(x=10, y=180, image=Image.open('img.png'))
import time
while True:
# Add a sleep to prevent the program from exiting and getting stuck
Example Description 2¶
In this simple example, captures the camera image and passes it to the UNIHIKER library to display on the screen, while the screen overlays the on-board light sensor value.
Hardware Required 2¶
Example Code 2¶
we use the opecv library to capture the camera image, use the pinpong library to obtain the on-board light value of the UNIHIKER, and then use the draw_image, draw_text, and config functions of the unihiker library to overlay and display them on the UNIHIKER screen.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import cv2
from PIL import Image
from unihiker import GUI
from pinpong.board import Board,Pin
from pinpong.extension.unihiker import *
#Turn on the camera
vd = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
vd.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 1)
ltTxt=u_gui.draw_text(text="",x=10,y=10,font_size=28, color="#00FF00")
while True:
ret, img = vd.read()
if ret:
img = cv2.rotate(img,cv2.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE) #Rotate 90 degrees
img= Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) #Convert the opecv image format to the UNIHIKER library image format
Notes and Warnings¶
The image file needs to be placed in the same directory as this Python file.