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USB Camera


The UNIHIKER is equipped with a standard USB interface, so it can connect to an external USB camera to capture image data.

To control a USB camera with UNIHIKER, the OpenCV library in Python is commonly used.

This section will introduce the common functions and usage effects of using the OpenCV library to call a USB camera.

Common functions(OpenCV Library)

1.1 cv2.VideoCapture( )

Syntax Object = cv2.VideoCapture(num)
Description Open the media.
Parameters num: The number of the camera.
Return **None

1.2 cv2.set( )

Syntax Object.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, value)
Description Camera parameter settings.
Parameters cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE: Set maximum buffer size.
value: buffer size.
Return **None

1.3 cv2.namedWindow( )

Syntax cv2.namedWindow('winname',cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
Description Camera window naming.
Parameters 'winname': The name of the window.
cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN: Full screen display.
Return **None

1.4 cv2.setWindowProperty( )

Syntax cv2.setWindowProperty('winname',cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)
Description Camera parameter settings.
Parameters 'winname': The name of the window.
cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN: Full screen display.
cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN: Full screen display.
Return **None

1.5 isOpened( )

Syntax while(Object.isOpened())
Description Verify if the opening is successful.
Parameters **None
Return True or False

1.6 )

Syntax ret, frame =
Description Read a frame of the image.
Parameters ret: Read the successful identifier.
frame: One frame of image.
Return Identification bit and single frame image.

1.7 cv2.imshow( )

Syntax cv2.imshow('winname',frame)
Description Display the image in a window.
Parameters 'winname': Window Name.
frame: Single frame image.
Return **None

1.8 cv2.resize( )

Syntax frame = cv2.resize(frame, (240, 320))
Description Crop the frame to UNIHIKER screen size.
Parameters frame: Single frame image.
240, 320: width and length.
Return The cropped video frame.

1.9 cv2.flip( )

Syntax frame = cv2.flip(frame,1)
Description Rotate the image 180°.
Parameters frame: Single frame image.
1: It can be changed to 0 to alter the flipping form.
Return Flip the screen 180 degrees.

1.10 cv2.waitKey( )

Syntax key = cv2.waitKey(delay)
Description Detect if a key is pressed.
Parameters **none
Return The ASCII code value of the pressed key or the value of a special key. If no key is pressed, it returns -1.

1.11 cv2.rotate( )

Syntax frame = cv2.rotate(frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
Description Rotate the screen 90 degrees.
Parameters frame: Single frame image.
cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE: Default parameter, rotate 90 °.
Return The rotated image.

1.12 cv2.imwrite( )

Syntax cv2.imwrite(str(index) + ".png", frame)
Description Store a frame of image according to the path.
Parameters str(index): Image number.
".png": Register number.
frame: Single frame image.
Return Picture

1.13 cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc( )

Syntax fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
Object= cv2.VideoWriter('/root/video/output.mp4',fourcc,3,(240,320))
Description Record a video.
Parameters '/root/video/output.mp4': Save the path of the video.
fourcc: Video format.
data: Write data.
value: The frame rate of the video.
Return Video

1.14 release( )

Syntax cap.release()
Description Close OpenCV
Parameters **None
Return **None

1.15 cv2.destroyAllWindows( )

Syntax cv2.destroyAllWindows()
Description Close the windows
Parameters **None
Return **None

Example Description

The following code implements the common functions of using a camera on UNIHIKER. The generated video after running is in a state where it is horizontally flipped 180 ° and rotated 90 ° to the right relative to the normal video.

Hardware Required

Example Code

#  -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import cv2  # Import OpenCV library

# Open usb camera 0.
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) 
# Set the camera buffer to 1, to decrease the latency.
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_BUFFERSIZE, 1) 
# Set the windows to be full screen.
# Set the windows to be full screen.
cv2.setWindowProperty('winname',cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) 

index = 1
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')

while (cap.isOpened()): 
    # Read one frame from usbcam.
    ret, frame = 
    # If frame available. 
    if ret: 
        '''crop the center of the frame and resize to (240, 320) while keeping image ratio.'''
        h, w, c = frame.shape  # Record the shape and size of the image, including height, width, and channel
        w1 = h*240//320  # change the height to fit the render image
        x1 = (w-w1)//2  # midpoint of width without resizing
        frame = frame[:, x1:x1+w1]  # crop into the center
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, (240, 320))  # resize according to the screen keeping the aspect ratio 
        frame = cv2.flip(frame,1)  # Rotate horizontally 180 °
        frame = cv2.rotate(frame, cv2.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE)
        '''Display real-time video stream'''
        cv2.imshow('winname',frame)  # Display image img on winname window
        key = cv2.waitKey(1)  # Refresh the image every 1ms, and the delay cannot be 0, otherwise the read result will be a static frame
        if key & 0xFF == ord('a'):  # Press the A key to enter the save image operation below
            cv2.imwrite(str(index) + ".png", frame)
            print("save" + str(index) + ".png successfuly!")
            index += 1
            # lz = cv2.VideoWriter('/root/video/output.mp4',fourcc,3,(240,320))  # Store video recordings
            # lz.write(frame)  # Storage frame
            # cv2.imshow('cvNamedWindow',frame)  # Display video stream
        '''Press the B key to exit the program'''
        if key & 0xFF == ord('b'):

cap.release()  # Release the camera
cv2.destroyAllWindows()  # Close all

Program Effect:

Firstly, turn on the camera and the video stream will be displayed on UNIHIKER. Press the 'b' key to exit. 20240813_150015[00h00m00s-00h00m06s].gif Press the 'a' key to take a picture with the camera. image.png image.png Replace the code after pressing the 'a' key in the comments to complete the recording and storage of the video. image.png